Providing care solutions for children, young people and families in the North East Of England

Our awards
National Children & Young People Care Employer of the Year 2022
The ROC Group table flooded with elation when Sally Bishop’s name was called out and she collected her award in front of a crowd of 800 health and social care professionals.
The judges said: “Director Sally Bishop and her team thrive on giving the children and young people opportunities to achieve their full potential” and described the organisation as ‘motivational and committed’.
Sally said: “It’s an important award as it recognises how, as a company, we are constantly using innovation and learning to help children and young people achieve their potential. The other vital part is the team of passionate, professional people I work alongside. Without them we wouldn’t be as effective or win awards like this”.
If you would like to join our award-winning team please click below.
Our other awards and inspection results include:
• ROC Solid won the national Housing with Care award at the Great British Care Awards 2022
• CQC Outstanding on four consecutive inspections
• Ofsted Overall Good with Outstanding Leadership and Management at our two children’s homes

Our services

Outreach/respite for additional needs 0-25s

Supported housing charity

What people are saying
Hear from users of our services...

“There was an exceptionally strong culture of care led by a passionate provider and managers which ran through the service.”
- CQC November 2021

“One parent said, "The management are brilliant. I have no concerns (about them). I can't thank them enough. They are life savers. I would rate them as 20 out of 10."
- CQC November 2021

“The culture in the organisation looks to improve practice so that the children receive excellent care. This is with a view to positively influencing the child’s future."
- Ofsted 2022

“The children’s views are regularly sought, and they contribute to the development of the organisation as they attend the children’s consultation panel.”
- Ofsted 2022

Our people
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